Moon Circles
Have you been searching for community? Desiring to be in safe spaces with women that doesn’t leave you feeling drained, but rather nourished, held, seen, loved, and excited to come back?
These spaces are non-linear and feminine. We flow with the tides and are attuned to our inner seasons, our cycle, and the frequency of Mother Earth and Grandmother Moon.
When we gather, there is never competition nor giving advice or trying to ‘fix’ you. You will only ever be supported, uplifted, and held in whatever you are moving through in this season of your life. Know that you are safe to be all that you are.
We all long for spaces to be seen,
and cherished
Our prayer is that you feel safe to be seen and heard in your truest and fullest expression. That you can slow down, soften, and receive. And that you leave these circles feeling embodied, empowered, and connected to your sisters and to your ancestors, knowing that as we circle, there is a healing and remembering happening deep within your bones and soul.
We are reclaiming the ways of the ancient ones. So welcome sister, we are here to hold your hand through the beauty and pain, the triggers and fears, and the unknown. Let’s trust the great mystery and come home to what we have always longed for, a place of true belonging.
When Women Gather, Magick Happens
~ Current pause ~
Us women are in the portal of motherhood ~ GROWING + RAISING BABIES ~
These circles are held bi-weekly via Zoom in the comfort of your own home. When we gather virtually, we are able to circle with other women longing for sisterhood in all parts of the world, storytelling around the virtual fire.
The energetic exchange for these circles are $20
What do These circles look like?
Embodiment practices
Plant Spirit Medicine
Heart opening connections
Journal Prompts
Epic Playlists
Movement / Dance
Exercises for Connection
Tools to add to your medicine bag
Lasting sisterhood
Feminine non-linear flow
We invite you to listen to the subtleties within your body as you allow all this juicy information to land.
What is arising for you as you receive these words and the warm invitation to gather with other women?
Are there fears that come up? Are there wounds that resurface? Maybe there are butterfly flutters in your heart excited for what this gathering with women could bring. Whatever is coming up for you within your body is your body communicating to you. You are your own healer, you know yourself best. And, we invite you to step into the unknown and the uncomfortable because within these spaces, you will always be held and accepted. This is a space of true belonging.
When the triggers arise, it is going to be okay, you are safe here. Having sisters to help heal the wounds is when magick happens and we are able to rewire our nervous systems and alchemize the pain into beauty!
Is your heart feeling the tug to Gather?
We lovingly invite you to follow that
Whether you join us for one circle or all, we pray that you begin to
feel the softening and expansion of your heart from the connections
made within our space. All we long for is to belong, to feel
connected to one another, and cared about. You are so
important, beautiful, sacred, divine, holy, and we want
to help you remember that. We want you to know what it
feels like to be so unconditionally loved by another
woman who only wants the very best for you and wants
to see you RISE. You are worthy of love, and we pray that we
get the honor of meeting you and to witness you in your softening,
healing, and blossoming.
How is this landing in your body?
What does your heart Fell?
~ Upcoming Circles ~
What does the Winter look like you ask?
Hi love,
Jacqueline and I have been in the portal of Motherhood ~ growing, birthing, and nursing babies. We are taking a sacred pause at this time and will reach out when we have the space to circle again!
Interested in joining Fall circles? Send us a message below so we can be sure to email you when we begin circling again